I’m no racist …

Nigel Farago has a problem!

He has been on TV earnestly trying to convince us that UKIP is not a racist party. However, scarcely a day goes by without another of his bonkerati stumbling into the news because they opened their mouths and out popped something about “johnny foreigner” that wouldn’t be out of place in a 1970s sitcom, what, what!

The latest in this long line is Rozanne Duncan who was filmed on BBC documentary Meet the Ukippers saying that she dislikes “negroid features.” She said a great deal more than that, but I don’t regard it as worth quoting. Farago said Ms Duncan’s comments were “horrible and “unacceptable”.

Bravo, Farago, you tell ‘em. Although for a party that claims it isn’t racist you DO seem to have rather a lot of racists!

Just saying …